
“Most of the humanoids of Haran’uratië could be grouped into three categories, elves, humans, and anhari, but it is a terrible oversimplification. While most elves share similar traits and appearance a nevaari would never be able to naturally breed with any other elf-kind. Many of the anhari sub-groups have altered themselves to the point they could be considered something else entirely. It is important to keep this in mind, while generalizing is convenient and keeps things simple, misidentifying the specific race you are dealing with can lead to undesirable situations.”

— Author Unknown



Sometimes called wood elves but not to be confused with wild elves, are a reclusive race of elves that chose to make the forest their home. While not completely opposed to dealing with the rest of the world they have learned through experience to never trust outsiders. Respectful of nature and self-appointed guardians of ancient ruins, the laerthri differ so much from the other elves they have almost become feared and mysterious to them.


Originally a name only for those free elves who turned their backs on gods and kings to join with the nevaari, but sometimes improperly used as a name for both groups. The confusion is understandable however as the two unnaturally managed to crossbreed making it hard to tell them apart. They now serve the god Arkaye and nevaari lords, though in their own minds they are just allies with common interests.


With their blood-red eyes, hair black as coal, and ashen skin color, a nevaari tend to be a terrifying sight to the observer. They are self-proclaimed firstborn and are not shy to show their superiority over humans and elves. No one quite knows where they came from as supposedly no god made them. They almost eradicated the free elves from Jeerwithuen with the help of the morgëthri once, and often brag about the freedom their society grants. A society where anyone can do as they please if they have the means.


Sometimes called syrimai are the children of Ithraën. White-haired and strong, they endure whatever the world throws at them. They were supposed to rule Haran, but with the absence of the gods and the bloody history with the nevaari, they’ve been forced to step down. Still licking their wounds from the Great War they remain hopeful that they’ll one day take their homeland back one way or another.


There is not much of a difference between a losserim and a silvrian, but like the laerthri were drawn to the forest, they were drawn to the sea. As masters of ships, they control almost all the trade between the continents.

High Elves

Seekers of truth and lore, the high elves always had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Though the high elves tried to remain neutral during the Great War they couldn’t stay out of it, it is unclear what happened to them but after the enemy crossed the mountains the high elves disappeared. Many died fighting while protecting their king but the majority of the population practically vanished.


Humans are the youngest amongst the races and the ones to have had the hardest time finding their place in it. They originated as tribes living in the southern forests of Jeerwithuën, a hostile place teeming with predators, poisonous plants, and fruits. With morgëthri aid, they learned agriculture and architecture yet many tribes still exist thinking civilization weakens the body and mind.


The race that inhabited the world before it was destroyed and re-created. Popular beliefs consider them extinct or to have never existed at all. The only trace of them is buried ruins and relics.


Supposedly anhari, reborn into elven bodies. They don’t retain much of their past life memory and they don’t want to share much of what they recover, thus gaining little trust from their fellow elves. Often labeled magic-addicted elves and a danger to society it’s no surprise they end up as outcasts and die from lack of proper care.


Anhari mages who attempted to merge their astral bodies with their physical forms but failed. Their flesh burned away and they became disembodied spirits. Extremely powerful and emotional they are a very dangerous force to encounter. Confusing an azur with a zulian is a dire mistake, luckily they are almost unheard of in the new world and the few cases encountered are very limited in their abilities albeit still lethal to the common human and elf.


Name from the Akarian word “Zulië” meaning “ghost/spirit”. They appear in ancient ruins or locations of great battle fields. Driven mad by their fate, hunger and anger they often attack trespassers. According to Akarian lore, they can pull the livings souls or bodies into the ground where they feast upon their flesh and energy.

Books on Amazon
Book cover of Dark Grasp
Book cover of Tales From Haran